From first inquiry all the way to receiving your final gallery, here’s how the newborn session process works...

Planning Ahead

So you just found out you’re pregnant!? How exciting! So much to do, so much to plan and think about! Your brain may be so preoccupied in preparing for baby (which is totally normal…mom brain starts now and never goes away lol) that you forget how much you’ll want those precious newborn photos to cherish forever! I recommend reaching out towards the end of the 2nd trimester in order to guarantee a spot on my calendar. I only take on about 3-4 due dates per month so that I can ensure I’ll have availability for you when you deliver! 


You’ve inquired, decided we’re a great fit, signed the contract and put down your initial deposit…yay!

After deposit, I send a questionnaire designed to pinpoint your desired aesthetic for the session…color scheme, props, and what type of family posing interests you most (formal posing or candid/lifestyle).

Once baby has arrived, reach out ASAP to let me know because time is now of the essence! Sessions take place within 2-3 weeks of delivery (7-10 days old is preferred), on weekday mornings in the comfort of your home!

Session Day

On the day of the session, I bring my entire travel studio to YOU. I have everything I need for the session (swaddles, headbands/hats, backdrops, outfits), but if you’d like to add anything sentimental, I would be honored to capture it for you! Total session time is 3-4 hours depending on baby and number of siblings. 

I always start with family and sibling photos first, that way you can all relax in your comfy clothes for the remainder of the session. During the formal baby posing part of the session, sometimes Dad will take the older kids out to the park, zoo, or for ice cream! (This is also a great bribing tool to get them to cooperate for the family photos.)

The longest part of the session is the formal baby posing. That means baby will likely need to nurse/feed several times, as well as need several diaper changes. I go at baby’s pace and I listen to what they’re telling me! Sometimes new moms get embarrassed or even apologize when their baby needs to stop and eat/change diaper, but I promise you….this happens at EVERY session. That is why I buffer in extra time! Remember those 3-4 hours I told you about before? This is where all that time goes! Very little of my time is spent snapping photos. Comforting and posing baby, and styling each set to your preference is where the majority of the time is spent, and that is perfectly normal! 


About 2-3 weeks after your session, I will send you a few fully edited sneak peeks, as well as a link to view the remaining (partially edited) images in your proofing gallery. You will create a favorites list and add all of your favorite images, and then share it with me. Upon your initial inquiry, you received a digital package list which should correspond to the number of images you add to your favorites list. Take as long as you need for the selection process! I have clients who select their images the same day I send them, and others who wait 1-2 months. Life gets busy, I totally understand! 


However, please note that my turnaround time is based off of when your session takes place…if it’s been more than 2 months since I sent your proofing gallery and you have not sent me your favorites list, I will have to move you to the bottom of the editing list and work you in when I can. This is especially true during the holiday season (October-December).

After you have finalized your selections, I will get to work on the finishing touches for your images! Once complete, you will receive a new link to download your final gallery and share your beautiful family with the world! 

If your package included any prints, albums, or other photo products, I will walk you through next steps during that time. 

Ready to Begin?

jacksonville newborn photographer
jacksonville newborn photographer
jacksonville newborn photographer

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